I don't think I know many bloggers who haven't put some serious thought into their blog names, it's a very tricky thing. And then once you've narrowed it down to a few that you like and think suit your blog, finding an available URL is a whole other story...

I wanted to tell you a little bit about mine and what being Twenty-Something means to me.

So far my twenties have been pretty amazing. I've graduated from uni, started a full time job, saw my sister get married, became an aunty, travelled to some amazing places, bought my first apartment, started relationships, ended relationships, started them again. It has probably been the most exciting time of my life and I still have five more years. Here are some highlights...

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Family time with my two sisters

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Travel- The Berlin Wall

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Becoming an aunty!

  Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Central Park, New York

 Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Travelling with great friends! And great cider

This podcast by Meg Jay made me feel like a very empowered twenty-something (highly reccomend you watch if you haven't already!), I want to use this time to do exciting things and set myself up for the things I want to do later. I want to use this time to look after myself, get into better habits with my health, look after my skin, set myself up financially, do some more travelling and just generally enjoy my life and the people in it. 

I think this has definitely been the best part of my life so far, but it's all I know, maybe my thirty-somethings will be even better, or my fourty-somethings... In the meantime, I'm going to write about being a twenty-something. 

How did you come up with your blog name? Was it easy for you or did it take some time to come up with? I'd love to hear your story. 

Zoe xx


3 Responses so far.

  1. Getting married, starting (and finishing - soon) a PhD and being an auntie have been the highlights of my 20s - oh and blogging and you ladies - can't forget that! xoxoxo

  2. Its crazy when you think about how much is happened in the last five years, well actually nearly six for me eeck! How travels have been a highlight for me and of course this house, I cant help but think it will only get better!

  3. Your 20s have been great for you so far! Here's hoping the rest is just as good :)

    My blog name is fairly simple - my last name is Lavender and my favourite colour is green.

    x Jasmine

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