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Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn has to be one of the most talked about books that I have come across for quite some time, so I decided I wanted to see what all of the fuss was about.

The story follows a married couple Nick and Amy in the time surrounding Amy's disappearance on their fifth wedding anniversary. The chapters are written alternating between their perspectives, I really enjoy books with multiple narrators and I find Gillian Flynn balances the storytelling between the characters well. She also quite cleverly manages to keep information hidden about the characters until it works with the story for their secrets to be released. Throughout the novel I constantly find myself trusting and not trusting characters and also not quite knowing what I want the outcome of the story to be, which is an interesting way to keep the reader involved in the story.

I have had trouble getting into books lately, I think because in my job I have been teaching three classes  different novels over the last two months, so when I come home I find myself wanting to catch up on magazine articles or blog posts, but as the school holidays approached I wanted to find something that I could just get lost in and remind myself why I love to curl up with a book. This was the perfect book to get myself back into reading, it is fast paced, easy to read, it hooks you quickly and the characters are interesting (and disturbed) enough that you want to know what happens to them.

Gillian Flynn is currently in the process of writing the screen play for the book and is rumoured to have changed the ending, there are so many points that the story could change and go in a different direction that I am intrigued to find out what she has done with it.

My friend Megan tells me that Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn is also quite a good read so I might have to pick that one up next. What are you reading at the moment? I am constantly after good book recommendations.

Happy Reading!

Zoe xx


One Response so far.

  1. That sounds like one I need to add to my list.

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